Mukmin Amsidi, was born in Kalabahi, precisely in Teluk Mutiara sub-district, Alor district, on October 12, 1994.The author started his education level at Alfatah Kindergarten. In 1999, a year later, he entered SD Inpres Kampung Binongko in SD. The author always participated in Scouting Extracurricular Activities from grade III SD to grade VI SD by attending several levels of Scouting from the First Level, namely Scouting Alert and through 3 stages of level (Initial standby, auxiliary standby and administrative stand by) Then enter the second level, namely the Scouting Group through 4 stages (Ramu Raising, Rafting Raising, Applied Raising and Garuda Raising) from scouting activities the author has attended camp 8 times.

After graduating from Elementary School, he continued his education to Junior High School (SMP) at State Junior High School 01 Kalabahi, participated in kempo martial arts activities for three years from grades VII to IX. Junior high school had gone through 3 belts namely (White, Yellow, Green and Pre-School). Blue Belt).

once participated in an inter-regency competition and won third place at the 25 Kg youth level in Alor Regency in 2008. Then in 2010. He was called to take part in the Inauguration of the Blue Belt Promotion, but he was busy with the conditions and circumstances at that time, so he didn't have time to attend the Blue Belt Inauguration. Please note that to achieve the Black belt, you must follow several Phases, namely 1. White Belt training and knowing Ken for 1 year or more (Depending on Process) next, yellow belt ride. 2. Yellow Belt training and knowing Ken for 2 Years or more (Depending on Process) Next up Green Belt 3. Green Belt training and knowing Ken for 2 years or more (Depending on Process) Next up is the Blue Belt. 4. Blue Belt training and knowing Ken for 3 years or more (Depending on Process) next Brown belt, 5. Brown Belt training and knowing Ken for 5 Years or more (Depending on Process) next black belt 6. Black Belt (DAN 1) has known Ken for 5 Years or more (Depending on Process) Next Black Belt tiers DAN 1, DAN 2, DAN 3, DAN 4, DAN 5, DAN 6, DAN 7 have different lengths of time to level up after that 7. SENSE (PROGRAM TEACHER).

After that, in 2010 to 2013 the author took the Madrasah Aliah (MA) level or equivalent to Senior High School (SMA) at MA Negeri Kalabahi, returning to the world of scouting scouting from class I to class II at MAN Kalabahi and finally being appointed from Enforcement to level up. Being a Scout Scout in Alor Regency, has participated in the MTQ quiz competition 3 times and the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Olympiad competition 3 times and always won 2nd place. Until finally in 2012 brought MAN Kalabahi the first (one) general winner in a quiz competition at the SMA/MA/SMK level in Alor Regency and in the same year won the General first place in receiving class promotion reports and was elected as the administrator of OSIM MAN Kalabahi Masa. Service 2012/2013.

In 2013 through the selection of new student admissions at STKIP Al-Amin Dompu NTB, the author was accepted as a student of the Undergraduate Program (S1), Department of Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) and then moved to the Department of Mathematics Education.

In 2014, he participated in a quiz competition at the cooperative level in Alor Regency, bringing the name of the Koperasi Sepakat Makmur to become the second winner in the Cooperative in Alor Regency. For Intra-Campus Organizations in 2013 participated in DAD (Darul Arqam Dasar) in Dulolong Village and then became a cadre of the Alor Regency Muhammadiyah Student Association.
In 2014 Participated in LID (Basic Instructor Training) IMM Kab. Alor, in Dulolong Village, in 2015 joined the DAM (Darul Arqam Madya) at the Muhammadiyah University Kupang Campus, in 2015 he was mandated to become SEKUM (General Secretary) IMM Kab. Alor period 2015-2016. and was mandated again to become (BENDUM) General Treasurer of Muhammadiyah Youth (PM) Alor Regency for the 2015-2019 period and no less interesting is that in 2018 he was authoritarianly appointed by acclamation to become a member of the PDM Kab. Alor.

In 2017 the author completed his undergraduate study majoring in mathematics education (S.Pd) at the Adi Dharma hotel by getting the first best place in the mathematics education department in the same year. to become chairman of the Organization of the DPD IMM NTT. Then he was inaugurated on January 6, 2018 at the Kupang Haji Dormitory Hall as the administrator of the DPD IMM NTT for the 2017-2019 period, then demoted to the Secretary of the DPD IMM NTT.

Date, 23 June 2019 The author was inaugurated as a KOKAM Soldier (Muhammadiyah Youth Preparedness Command) who is a member of KOMPI HAS (Haji Abdul Syukur) one of the Names of Independence Heroes in Kab. Alor or with another nickname KOMPI (Wolf of the Jungle).

in 2016 During college and still a student in Semester V. Served at MTs Muhammadiyah Kalabahi as a Mathematics Education Teacher and Operator. Then in 2018 the Decree of BPH STKIP Muhammadiyah Kalabahi was issued. The author was appointed and worked as Financial Administration Staff of STKIP Muhammadiyah Kalabahi then in 2019 he was appointed as Head of Finance and Infrastructure Advice.

Ending the Year 2019 in December 2019 the author participated in the IMM Advanced Level cadre or advanced level, namely the Darul Arqam Purna (DAP) cadre in North Sumatra to this day still active with IMM in the same year as the administrator of the DPD IMM NTT Period 2019 to 2021 in the field of DPD IMM NTT cadre.

Furthermore, in 2022, he will become the administrator of the DPD IMM NTT for the period from 2021 to 2023 in the Field of Relations between Universities. Besides being active in IMM, the author is also active in youth, religious and community associations, namely:

  1. Alumni of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Kalabahi 2013 as Volunteers to date
  2. Youth of the Great Mosque of Al-Fatah Kalabahi as General Treasurer of Youth for the period of 2021 to 2025.
  3. Binongko Youth Association 2022/2024 as a member of the Human Resources and Scientific Division
  4. Binongko Wakatobi Family Association (IKBW) for the 2022/2024 term of service as a member of the Human Resources and Scientific Division
  5. The first literary work/book that was created was the Memorial Book 58 IMM

On June 21, 2022, the author was appointed as secretary of LP-AIK STKIP Muhammadiyah Kalabahi.

while the author is taking Advanced Masters in Mathematics Education at Ahmad Dahlan University until now.

Be a Muslim, and live on Jalan Hasanudin No.10. RT 12 RW 04 . Binongko Village. Pearl Bay District. Alor Regency. NTT. Hobby Fitness is reading and experimenting.

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About Mukmin Amsidi

Mukmin Amsidi, was born in Kalabahi, precisely in Teluk Mutiara sub-district, Alor district, on October 12, 1994. The first literary work/book that was created was the Memorial Book 58 IMM while the author is taking Advanced Masters in Mathematics Education at Ahmad Dahlan University until now. Be a Muslim, and live on Jalan Hasanudin No.10. RT 12 RW 04 . Binongko Village. Pearl Bay District. Alor Regency. NTT. Hobby Fitness is reading and experimenting.